Utility (Electricity) and telecommunication companies spent millions of dollars each year replacing wooden poles that are damaged and destroyed by woodpeckers, ants, termites and due to corrosion. Now, many utilities and Telecoms are realizing it is not economically feasible to replace damaged wooden poles with more wooden poles every few years, and that there is a cost effective solution with the use of Spun Pre-Stressed Concrete Poles. These poles are free from corrosion, rot, pests and are environmental friendly, longer life span of 60-70 years, efficient installation low maintenance and are easily available to order from factories in specific countries.
Pre-stressed Concrete Spun Poles to be used for:- a.Electrical Transmission b.Communication Line Poles c.Street Light Poles d.Electric Railway Poles
Land survey beacons
Road sign poles
Curvets And all other concrete related products for use in Tanzania and Africa